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Keynote speech on LiquidFeedback at COST Action Industry Day in Toulouse, France

The COST Action IC1205 Industry Day is held in Toulouse, France on June 21, 2016. The aim of the Industry Day is to bridge the gap between current theoretical research in  computational social choice and innovative applications in industry and policy making related to collective decision making.

Andreas Nitsche, board member of the Association for Interactive Democracy, will deliver a keynote on the topic “LiquidFeedback and a fair process of decision making”. The keynote will also provide information on upcoming projects and new features of LiquidFeedback, such as geotagging and geospatial indexing. Other keynote speakers are Craig Boutilier (Google, USA), Elliott Peranson (National Matching Services Inc., Canada), Jacques Traoré (Orange Labs, France) and Matthew Robb (NHS Blood and Transplant, UK).

The COST Action IC1205 on Computational Social Choice is a European research network with members from 39 countries who work on topics related to collective decision making, such as elections, fair allocation of resources, and matching markets.

About LiquidFeedback and Interaktive Demokratie e. V.

LiquidFeedback is an independent open source project. The software is published under MIT license by the Public Software Group of Berlin, Germany. The developers of LiquidFeedback have teamed up in the Association for Interactive Democracy to promote the use of electronic media for democratic processes. LiquidFeedback is a registered trademark in the European Union and the United States of America.

LiquidFeedback is one of 12 partners in WeGovNow.


Contact: info@interaktive-demokratie(dot)org

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